Elevates intersections of supply chains - collaborating with farmers to increase food production, supporting chefs and restaurants setting up sustainable food processes - setting up fermentation labs, collaborating with start-ups diverting food waste into new products, services and innovation.

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Circular Infrastructures

Partnering with businesses, cities and NGO's to make more sustainable decisions and develop successful circular economic practices with data-driven insights, strategic advice, and action plans.

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Regenerative Design

Developing integrated resilient, ecologically rich and biologically functional landscapes with planning authorities, communities, architects, farmers and landowners. Production systems across temperate and tropical landscapes. Systems and urban distribution systems, forming new techniques with novel interconnectivity for decentralised urbanism.


Nature Based Ventures

Supporting new enterprises that have the focus, design, and strategy to have game-changing impacts on society. Wolking closely with entrepreneurs and investors guide capital to where it's needed most

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Food Infrastructures

Collaborating with knowledge-based institutes at the intersection of food, urbanism and architecture producing academic research and real-world experimentation, developing, testing, and sharing intelligence on critical sustainability issues.

Dr. Walsh is a very unique entrepreneur. He combines multidisciplinary expertise – design, architecture, agroforestry – with an infectious passion for environment, food and social interactions. His endless energy matches his talent and originality in for designing concepts that blend science & human experiences in impactful and memorable ways” 2020

Dr. Claudio Marinelli. 2020 - Business Mentor

“Few people understand better than Vincent how to apply agro-tech, permaculture, agroforestry and other systems to urban farming. His grasp of creatively integrating food production, community cohesion and biodiversity represent whole systems ecology to address many of the transformative challenges we face in the future.

Dr. David Haley - Academic & ecological artist.

“Dr Walsh relishes a challenge, and combines blue sky thinking with a tenacious, practical and pragmatic approach to overcoming barriers and tackling problems.   "And even though he is a very accomplished academic and thought leader, he engages and connects with all kinds of people and different types of communities at every level.

Richard Bond - Communications Strategist